Our articles are full of refreshing insight, the latest research and ageless wisdom, allowing you to access a comprehensive collection of resources relating to health, mental wellbeing and personal growth in one place. We also have a whole section dedicated to recipes, supporting you to be inspired by healthy, delicious and easy to prepare nourishing meals.
A question I commonly get in clinic is should I be taking magnesium? Sounds like a simple enough answer, although it usually gets an “it depends” as an answer. Magnesium is a vital mineral involved in so many different functions in the body from energy production, muscle function regulating enzyme…
READ MORE“Medicine Jelly” we call it in my house. Or you could call it the kid-friendly, time saving way to give them a dose of their vitamins. I think the first term is much more catchy though don’t you? I find setting vitamins into a firm jelly really helps simplify our…
READ MOREIn my last post I chatted about how I approach constipation in my littlest patients. It’s usually a combination of specific probiotics and prebiotics, alongside gentle, non-habit forming laxatives, all the while addressing any underlying causes. Today I’ll share some ways you can support the process from home. 1. Using…
READ MOREThrush is a term often used by women, and commonly found preceding the words “bane of my life”. It’s a common condition (so common 40-75% of sexually active women have experienced it) whereby there is an overgrowth of the fungus candida, typically within the vagina. This overgrowth often leaves women…
READ MORELast post we talked about many of the drivers that contribute to women developing thrush. I also mentioned the importance of being sure your symptoms are from thrush, or Candida Albicans, and that they’re not actually stemming from another condition or from a less common, more treatment-resistant strain of Candida.…
READ MOREA quick google will have you quickly listing off the top 10 foods for immunity. Nearly every site will list citrus fruits, broccoli and leafy greens and berries as some top contenders. Capsicum and Kiwi fruit usually make the cut for their vitamin C content, along with orange foods for…
READ MORESupporting immunity in kids is often a top priority for parents. And I get it- I know first hand how hard it is to watch your child work through an illness. Whether it presents with fevers, chills and lethargy, or comes in the form of tummy symptoms, snotty noses, sore…
READ MOREUrinary tract infections. Painful, uncomfortable and unfortunately pretty common. Whilst women tend to suffer them the most, they can also occur in men (especially older men) and I have worked with many children suffering urinary tract infections as well. In many cases these infections become reoccurring, with a woman or…
READ MOREAnyone who has suffered from acne knows how challenging it can be, not only to treat but also to remain confident, self-assured and settled when your skin is breaking out. Many health conditions are invisible to anyone other than ourselves yet acne is a different story and is often “on…
READ MOREChances are if you are reading this blog post you know what it’s like to have a child with ear infections. Irritable, up all night, off their food, pulling their ear and possibly screaming louder then you knew was possible. Maybe they also have a cold, maybe a fever or…