Cindy Morris


5 Things You Should Know About Hashimoto’s!

January 18, 2021
Blackboard with writing Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

When I meet people with Hashimoto’s or other thyroid conditions, I am often surprised at how little they know about their condition or possible treatment options. In fact, many thyroid patients end up in clinic, because they feel…


Is Your Thyroid Really Normal?

December 5, 2020
Thyroid Testing Panel

Are you still feeling tired and gaining weight when your thyroid test is normal? I meet a lot of clients who tell me that their thyroid has been checked and that everything is normal. The only problem is…


What Causes Autoimmune Disease?

July 19, 2020

When I speak to patients with autoimmune disease, they often feel doomed to their condition never improving, not realising that so much can be done to take the load off their immune system. There are many forms of…


Think your diet’s gluten free? Think again…

March 28, 2020
Image of oats and other flour

So, what is gluten, I hear many people ask.  Well, the short answer is that it’s a protein found in grains like wheat, but if you start to delve a bit deeper, you will find that it’s a…


Is Weight Loss your New Years Resolution?

December 31, 2019
Someone who wants to lose weightdeciding what to eat

Losing weight is a common resolution for the New Year, but did you know that less than 3% of individuals who lose weight successfully maintain that weight loss. One of the reasons that I’ve personally observed people fail…


4 Triggers of Autoimmune Disease

December 11, 2019

One of the challenges with autoimmune disease is identifying the cause. Fortunately our ability to sequence genes and measure immunological markers of inflammation has lead to a greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying autoimmune disease. So what we…


Naturopathy for Ankylosing Spondylitis

November 7, 2019

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an auto immune disease that causes the vertebrae of the spine to fuse together resulting in loss of mobility and pain. Research has found that although there is a genetic predisposition to ankylosing spondylitis,…


Patterns of Thyroid Disease

November 5, 2019

When I meet people, who have a thyroid condition, I am often surprised about how little they know about their condition and the support that is available to them. Sometimes they have been on thyroid medication for years,…


Getting to the “guts” of Autoimmune Disease

October 29, 2019

the link between healthy digestion and autoimmune Are you on of the 5% people living with autoimmune disease in Australia? That might not sound like a lot, but when you do the math it’s around 1,250,000 people, which…