Health Healing Life Clinic is a complementary medicine and healing clinic based in Brisbane. We have been offering health and healing services to people living in the Brisbane area for almost two decades. We provide bodywork and counselling services including: massage, connective tissue therapy, chakra-puncture, and healing. We love our clinic, we love what we do, and we love people!
Take a moment (maybe even make yourself a cup of tea) to take a look at our range of services, read about our events, explore our blogs. You can even enrol in one of our online classes and take full advantage of our free resources. If you're after an appointment, you can book online at any time through our bookings page or you can call or email our amazing reception team. Enjoy our site, we sure enjoyed making it.

Rebecca first opened her doors over 20 years ago when the clinic was located on Breakfast creek road in Newstead. The clinic flourished for 8 years at this premises before Rebecca decided to downsize and move the clinic home while her and her husband Lee started a family.
I thought the home clinic would be for a few years while the kids were young but it has now 13 years later it has turned into a family affair with both kids working on reception and behind the scenes of our online workshops and courses.
Healing is a way of life and that is definitely what you get to feel when you visit our purpose built clinic situated at our home in Wavell Heights.

Our workshops are for everyone. We explore topics that inspire people to look at the things that get in the way of taking the next steps in health and healing, relationships and life. We hold full day workshops in Brisbane four times per year and our Masterclass Video Library is one of the biggest of it's type including topics on stress, anxiety and depression; food, sleep and vitality; relationships, women's and men's health; children's health and much, much more.

Enrol in our FREE 2-Day Body and Mind Reboot Program. It is one of the most powerful ways that we can "check in" with ourselves. How is my body feeling? How do I feel? How am I taking care of myself? If we are not allowing the space and time to "check in" and ask ourselves these questions then we can quite easily let life pass us by without a point of true reflection. Living on the treadmill without the space to reflect is what ultimately leads to what we commonly call, mid-life crisis.

We have created a series of Health and Healing in Life presentations that support people with the areas of life that trouble us most. You can subscribe to our masterclass video library and have access to over 20 hours of presentations. Each month you will receive access to our latest presentation ensuring that you keep up to date on all we offer. During the Masterclasses Rebecca dissects topics such as: Vitality, Exhaustion, Relationships, Parenting, Stress, Menstrual Cycles, Self Worth, Anxiety, Depression, Mothering, Sleep, Confidence, Communication and much more.
Here is a sneak peek at our
Masterclass videos
Anxiety and Sensitivity
Unwrapping your relationship with food
Mothering without guilt
Exploring body image and self-love
Our articles are full of refreshing insight, the latest research and ageless wisdom, allowing you to access a comprehensive collection of resources relating to health, mental wellbeing and personal growth in one place.

Lamb Rogan Josh with Cheat’s Pilaf
As the weather begins to cool, we’re drawn towards comforting slow cooked meals, especially ones as versatile as this lamb…
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This Bircher Muesli is a great time saving breakfast option for my clients that handle oats. It can be made…
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Serving a rump steak with a Chimmichurri style sauce elevates it to something special. Packed with fresh herbs means the…
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