Esoteric Bodywork & Massage
Our practitioners practice massage founded on years of experience working with the body as well as an extensive ongoing professional development program to continually improve practice and outcomes for chronic or complicated conditions.

Our practitioners have specialised experience in esoteric massage, including skills and experience of body awareness and the mechanics of posture and movement. Practised this way, massage is a gentle, healing massage that frees the body from ingrained patterns of disharmonious movement that cause stress, tension, pain and wear to the body. This supports a person's body to return to its own true and harmonious posture and natural movement. Many people live life, changing the way they express and move their body as a result of hurts, stressors, burdens and emotional reactions. This contributes greatly to the injuries, illnesses and inevitably what we accept as “just getting old”.

"In my experience it is difficult to offer true remedial therapy to the body without an understanding of the esoteric (innermost nature) of a person
And the postures and "stances" to life that are held and lived on a daily basis. A person living in stress, tension and a multitude of differing contractions including poor self worth, self esteem or self loathing will always find it difficult to correct musculo-skeletal conditions, as the very foundations of the mechanics of posture and movement are set in the presence or energetic ways of a person. There is still much within musculo-skeletal therapy that is unknown and essentially chalked up to stress or personality type, it is here that the principles of a remedial or therapeutic approach can be enhanced by what esoteric massage provides. An esoteric understanding of the body reveals the relationship that a persons state of being has on their body mechanics and musculoskeletal health."
Rebecca Poole

Chronic Illness is often a complicating factor for many people when it comes to their physical vitality, structural strength and experience of aches, pains and inflammation. The medicinal healing clinic has experience dealing with chronic pain and chronic illness and work in a multi-disciplinary way, including massage, esoteric bodywork, nutrition and functional medicine, to best support a clients needs.
Chronic illnesses, including but not exclusive to rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome ALL impact the quality of life that a person who lives with these illnesses will endure.
These illnesses are often placed in the too-hard basket when it comes to truly healing and providing a return to quality in life.Our body goes everywhere with us, and experiences all of our thoughts, actions and choices, including the energy we surround and run our body with. Chronic illness is often an opportunity to stop and reflect on what we have experienced and how we have been with ourselves. From here healing and true change can occur.

Esoteric Massage is a healing based massage technique that is deeply relaxing and settling for the body. It works to clear layers of stress, tension and energetic imposition held in the body. Through this it supports the body to return to a natural ease and freedom of movement. Each area of the body not only has a physical function it performs throughout the day, it also has an energetic meaning and purpose. An esoteric massage session works to return and restore each area to its natural physical and energetic state.

Rebecca is an experienced bodywork practitioner who has been working in full time clinical practice for over 15 years as well as mentoring other practitioners and teaching students. Her understanding of the body and the mechanics of posture and movement comes from her first hand experience of working with people and a very developed level of body awareness within herself. Rebecca started her practice firstly with myofacial release and TCM remedial massage and later adding acupuncture, trigger point therapy, remedial massage and esoteric bodywork and massage.

"One of the things that I constantly remind my massage students is that we need to work with the body, never against it. The body has an amazing ability to reconstitute itself and when you truly understand the body, painful or rough techniques are never required to make quality change within body tissue. A person's body tells their unique story and understanding how a person has used the function and structure of their body which includes their attitudes and beliefs always offers a more complete result."