Relationship consult
Our Relationship Consults can support with the backlog of hurt, resentment and broken communication that can undermine the most divine and true relationships. They are also deeply enriching and expansive, taking your relationship to the next level.
It can be kind of
What happens when you hear the words 'Relationship Consult'? Do you have a slight freak out??
I would probably have a freak out if I thought the consult was going to look anything like what I have seen in movies, let alone the worst case scenario that can play through your head.
What makes a Relationship Consult really scary is that you feel like you are placing something really meaningful, intimate and often raw (your relationship) . . . in the hands of a possible stranger. What's more, it can feel like you are going to be put on trial, or at least have a referee who will judge the proceedings. So if a small (or big) part of you starts to freak out at the thought of a Relationship Consult, I understand. What's important to feel is whether the freak out is because you sense the practitioner is not the right person or if the freak out is because you are scared of the unknown and the change that will unfold.
Why have a
Relationship Consults

It only takes one person to make true and lasting change within a relationship. With the right support one person sessions can assist any relationship to deepen. Whether it is time to seek clarity or get support with communication, one person sessions can make all the difference. These sessions are great when one partner is resistant to getting support or if there needs to be a foundation of trust built first.

Every single relationship within our life, including those with parents, partners, children, and friends, has an immense impact on our well-being. Relationships have the potential to offer us tremendous healing and personal growth or they can be toxic and poisonous, contributing to what feels like our total undoing. These sessions are powerful for the many relationships we have in our life . . . not just our romantic relationships.

Understanding the design of your Mother-Daughter relationship can be life-changing. Mother-Daughter relationships have the potential to deeply nurture us, however this is often not the reality. You can book a session for yourself to heal childhood hurts or help you understand how best to support your daughter/s. Or you can book a session for you and your daughter/s to attend together, deepening your connection and the quality of love and support you bring each other.

Female friendships are often laden with obligation, being a 'good' rather than true friend and a whole lot of other draining interactions and undercurrents. Developing true sisterhood relationships changes the world and we have a responsibility to bring our all to these relationships. Booking a session by yourself or with a girlfriend can be one of the most enriching things you can do.

One of the most capping beliefs in our world is that "good" relationships are built on compromise, however in truly nourishing relationships there is absolutely no compromising of your truth.

Great relationships are truly magnificent. When you live in a supportive and deeply nourishing relationship, your whole world changes. You are no longer part of the get-through-life equation, instead you are enormously enriched by each moment.
Too many people live in less than supportive relationships. It is quite normal for there to be dismissiveness, undermining, silent treatment and lack of communication. So many people treat their partners in ways that they would not dare treat other people. Many people are warm, open and engaging with others and then reduce that quality for their partners. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t we be exploring the depth and breadth of what warmth and care means within our relationships and then build the confidence to care for others based on what we have learnt?
A lack of love and care in any relationship is completely unnecessary. There doesn’t need to be a backlog of resentment, hurt or bitterness. Most relationships are capable of at least respect, if not, deeper levels of love and support.
Settling for a relationship that doesn’t support you is not the answer and it certainly isn’t something you should have to live with. It is a complete lie that you have to "suck it up" to keep others happy as this doesn’t truly support anyone (kids included).
This doesn’t mean you have to end your relationship if it is unloving. I have worked with enough people to know that magic can happen and taking your next steps in truth is enormously powerful.