Parenting consult
Our purpose with all of our Parenting Consults is for Mothers and Fathers to know their strengths and be ok with their weaknesses. This enables people to be more authentic within their relationships and especially with their children.

Ok so you have got to the point where you recognise that mum guilt is not a good thing and you may even feel ready to peel back some of those layers . . . But where do you start? Underneath the layers is a deeper aspect of you (your essence) and this is what these sessions will allow you to reconnect with.
As you reconnect to the part of you that reads situations clearly and knows naturally what feels true and what doesn't feel true, the layers of guilt start to shed.
There will always be new parenting recommendations, ideas, suggestions, parental guidance, positive parenting tips, gentle parenting . . . the list goes on, often creating a mountain of pressure and more to feel guilty about. However, the best parenting actually comes from within, it is common sense that your children will respond more to you being authentic, loving, and open than they will to you "doing" anything in particular.
How can a parenting consult

Learning how to read your kids is an absolute game-changer in the world of parenting. It can be so easy to get caught up in the tangible, one dimensional world that we live in but learning how to energetically read what's happening with your children is so important!!! With a bit of support you can easily sense their next steps when they are on-track and when they are off-track and how best to support them.

Every person on the planet has incredible strengths can be overlooked, hidden, unappreciated, or even more devastatingly... not seen at all. The beauty of knowing your strengths is such a foundation for life and something Rebecca loves supporting people to uncover (parents & children alike). In reconnecting to your true strengths as a parent you will naturally empower your children to know their strengths.

Just as important as knowing your children's strengths is understanding their weaknesses. With understanding comes the ability to support children with whatever may come up. This gives them the room to grow, learn and problem solve whilst keeping their steadiness and confidence.

Children can be the ultimate button-pushers for parents. Understanding the perfect design of why your child is your child and what you both are here to learn from each other, can be the most refreshing and freeing experience. Reflecting on your reactions and learning how to shift unhealthy dynamics is extremely empowering and nourishing for the family.

Many people suffer from parental guilt and even parental anxiety. Do you have thoughts like, "I am a bad mother or I am failing as a parent." It really doesn't have to be this way. When we value ourselves, we see the role we play in our children's lives more clearly and we start trusting ourselves as parents . . . without the guilt.

To empower our children is one of the greatest gifts we can give them but most parents underestimate their greatest asset in supporting the empowerment of their children. Have you ever considered that role models are our greatest asset in empowering our children and we are the #1 role model in our children's lives? Learning how to live empowered as a Mum or Dad is your vital first step in empowering your kids.

Children often have just as many dynamics, pressures, inner turmoil, and tension as adults. As parents we can easily take on our children's stress and get swept up in the tension they are feeling. It can be helpful to have a trusted support that you can come to who can offer you new insight and a different perspective on situations. When things feel difficult it's important to get support, in sessions we can often come up with ideas and practical solutions that are simple but life-changing.

In an age where filters, Instagram, Snapchat and Tiktok are prevalent, it is more important than ever for kids to have true confidence in their body and appreciate their beauty. We've all seen toddlers catch their reflection in a mirror and not be able to contain their joy. Where does that joy go and more importantly, why does it go? These sessions are not only revealing, they are enriching to the deepest part of our core.

If I could give one piece of advice to new parents, I would say don't try to "do it right" just be yourself. We tend to go slightly crazy when we live our life trying to relate to people from a check-list of right and wrong rather than a freedom to be ourselves. Raising children is not easy, it is challenging and the more we can support ourselves in this the better for everyone.
"Raising children can in a lot of ways be scary and in my experience most parents deep down want to do their best. When we don't have a healthy dose of appreciation for ourselves we can end up being a parent who misses out on the enrichment of parenting because we are so worried they are going to "stuff it up".
If you don't feel a depth of self-worth as a parent, knowing without a doubt that who you truly are offers everything your child could ever need . . . You are making parenting much more difficult than it needs to be.
I meet amazing people every day who don't realise how amazing they are and instead plague themselves with questions like "I am a bad mother or I am failing as a parent." It really doesn't have to be this way."
Rebecca Poole
clinic owner

"Mother's guilt" is a commonly experienced tension that can follow us Mums everywhere, affecting our confidence, self worth & well-being. It's certainly not exclusive to Mothers - as Dads have their fair share too, especially Dads who live away from their kids, either because of work, divorce or some other reason.
It can literally feel like a monkey on our back, weighing us down and dampening our enjoyment. One of the most precious gifts we can give our children is the reflection of us living a healthy, balanced and enjoyable life. Many people suffer from parental guilt and even parental anxiety. When we value ourselves and what we bring, we see the role we play in our children's lives more clearly and we start trusting ourselves as parents . . . without the guilt.
Some of the more tricky cases of parental guilt come from regret and looking back at times when as a parent you weren't in a very good space. Even in these situations, there is a lot to unpack and eventually resolve within yourself.