Our clinic

At Health Healing Life Clinic, we offer therapeutic techniques that address aches, pains, postural imbalances, injuries and musculoskeletal problems. Our practitioners have years of experience working in clinical practice, with exceptional skills in assessing the body to find the underlying postural and lifestyle factors contributing to our clients' conditions.

Sacred Esoteric Healing provides an avenue for clients to gain further insight and understanding into the issues affecting them in their life. It is especially supportive for emotional conditions and for people wishing to understand the energetic patterns and behaviours that contribute to their hurts and frustrations.

Our Relationship Consults are designed to suit couples in all stages of life. Most couples have good intentions but are lacking the basic foundations required to have an not only a harmonious relationship but also one that is genuinely enriching for all involved. Relationships can be our most valued asset or our undoing. These consults will support you to take the next step in your relationship no matter where you are at.

Parenting can be one of the toughest things you ever do. Too many parents/guardians try to navigate it themselves and end up giving up, burning out or operating with constant guilt. Often parents are under enormous amounts of pressure to "get it right"which creates a mountain of pressure and more to feel guilty about. The best parenting actually comes from within, it is common sense that your children will respond more to you being authentic, loving and open then they will by you "doing" anything in particular. Parenting Consults support you in doing just that.

Investing in your business is important and our business consults will offer you a point of difference. Have you ever wanted to feel a deeper purpose within your business, know how to reach more people or take your business online. Rebecca has extensive insight into supporting small to medium business, online business and service industry businesses. Rebecca has extensive insight and a deep love for supporting small to medium business, online businesses and service industry businesses.