clinic owner, healer, presenter

Rebecca is renowned for her healing work with women's health and well-being as well as relationship counselling. She is caring and supportive in nature, with a genuine ease and openness with people. Rebecca offers one on one clinical treatments as well as regular workshops and online courses. Rebecca loves people - warts and all - and her work reflects this.
Healing is an important part of
Rebecca's practice

Healing provides an avenue for her clients to address stress and emotions that contribute to their disease, while providing a common sense approach to life. Rebecca also has a special interest in nutritional medicine as well as the latest scientific research and understandings about food and nutrients.
Rebecca works with other health professionals and refers when necessary, including to medical doctors, specialists, naturopaths, psychologists and others, to ensure that a client receives the best possible outcomes for their health and well-being. Rebecca firmly believes that health and healing should be a natural part of life and therefore her sessions while profound, are always delivered simply and practically in a way that is supportive for daily living.
My change from Acupuncture to practicing

"I originally practiced as an acupuncturist and herbalist, having studied a 4 year degree in acupuncture and a further 2 years post-graduate study to complete a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). I ran a successful complementary medicine clinic employing up to 6 staff including acupuncture, chinese herbal medicine, massage, nutrition medicine and naturopathy practitioners.
Although I was very successful in this field and had many clients as testimony to this, I felt that there was still something missing; I wanted more long lasting and true change for my clients, and my training as an acupuncturist was not able to offer this. I was a leading clinician in my field of chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, my clientele were experiencing great success particularly in the treatment of their chronic illnesses and women's health conditions, yet I found clients needed continual treatment or they would return after a period seeking help again.
I had the sense that the TCM approach was helping symptoms but not truly changing the underlying energetic condition, and therefore the relationship that a client had with their health, body, and life. As an example, I found that many people experienced relief from their stress and anxiety, but they were no clearer in being able to facilitate the change necessary to remove these issues completely.
I have studied many modalities, healing therapies, techniques and courses, looking for something that offered my clients true health change, but it was not until I developed an understanding of esoteric healing and studied the esoteric modalities through Universal Medicine that I felt I was facilitating any substantial long term change for my clients."
Healing comes from a foundation of living
an authentic life

Rebecca is caring and supportive in nature, and has a genuine ease and openness with people. She loves people - warts and all - and her work reflects this. With a special interest in women's health, she also regularly treats men and children, and even whole families.
She is down-to-earth and easy to relate to, qualities that were strengthened by Rebecca's upbringing, having been raised on a cane farm in Far-North Queensland. Rebecca works as a clinician, trainer and presenter on health and well-being. She has also been a regular presenter for Women in Livingness events and Wellbeing for Women presentations.
Rebecca particularly enjoys supporting women to find balance to restore a sense of wellness amongst the many pressures and stressors affecting them in their lives.

From a Masters in Chinese Medicine to supporting people
to heal from within

"With extensive experience including a Masters specialising in women’s health, two hospital internships in China, as well as teaching, my real expertise comes from years in clinical practice working with clients and incorporating an inner wisdom into daily life. I have a husband and 2 young children, and understand the struggles facing many women in their work life and personal relationships. For me it is a joy to support my clients and their families to find the balance and ease which can be felt when life falls into place. In my experience, our health is not just the physical mechanics of our bodies, but always reflective of everything that is going on for us in our whole life."
Book an appointment with Rebecca

Rebecca continues to support many women each year with health conditions such as: menstrual disorders, fertility, chronic illness and emotional conditions. She combines knowledge and clinical experience with a practical everyday living of health and healing.