
Holistic Health Care

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Cindy and Sandi our Naturopaths - cooking up a storm

A great Naturopath can support a wide range

of common conditions

Digestive disorders

Bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, parasites, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), reflux and heartburn


Urinary tract infections, thrush, respiratory tract infections, sinusitis

Common childhood conditions 

Ear infections, constipation, recurrent colds and flus, eczema, skin infections, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), irritability, slow growth and failure to thrivegen, testosterone, emotional eating


Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, etc

Skin conditions 

Acne, eczema, dry skin, fungal infections

Musculoskeletal conditions 

Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, as well as general aches and pains

Hormonal imbalances 

Premenstrual tension (PMT), heavy or painful periods, irregular cycles, menopausal symptoms

Fatigue-related ailments 

Chronic fatigue, post-viral syndromes including glandular fever

Weight loss 

Thyroid, metabolism, cortisol, stress, sugar metabolism, estrogen, testosterone, emotional eating

Mood disorders 

Depression, anxiety and stress


Children are prone to many ailments in childhood. From common colds and sniffles right through to ear infections, chest infections, tummy problems, fatigue, eczema and asthma as well as school sores, ringworm and viral warts. Many of these are preventable and there are amazing tools to support your child's immunity and help our littlest patients recover from these conditions quickly.

Children are not just little adults, there are unique differences in their detoxification capacity, in their nutritional needs during growth and development and in the illnesses they commonly experience. It's not uncommon for children to get sick more often than adults, even healthy ones. However when they are constantly sick, it can be a time where their bodies are needing more support.

Think of your body as a super-advanced car.

Not only does it need regular servicing, correct fuel and respectful use . . . it is super-advanced, which means it has the amazing ability to regenerate itself. However . . . unlike a car - our body is irreplaceable.



IBS can be a debilitating condition with many people feeling like they have found very few answers. A holistic approach can be very valuable as many factors including dysbiosis, altered motility (how often the bowel empties), mild inflammation, and increased sensitivity of the nerves within the gut have been found to be involved in those suffering with IBS.

Sandi works with her patients to help determine what is affecting their gut health as well as supporting the processes at play. This may involve functional testing to investigate things like food intolerances, leaky gut, parasites, dysbiosis, among others that can contribute to discomfort and symptoms.

Our Unique Approach

to Nutrition


Food can be supportive on its own – it’s essential we get the foundation right, but this is only one aspect of what we do. Through a holistic combination of nutrition, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle modifications, we address whole body systems (gut, skin, immune & reproductive system), and offer a greater depth of enquiry into the body and person.

A person’s symptoms come about because of a disruption to harmony within the body, otherwise known as homeostasis, the body’s inbuilt mechanism to return to a natural state of balance. However, over time and for a variety of reasons, including genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, an imbalance can develop within a particular organ, or within or between body systems. The resulting symptoms and signs of imbalance do not necessarily produce clinically recognised conditions. In other words, you know you don’t feel quite right; you have dis-ease, not a medically diagnosed disease.

Naturopathy aims to restore balance, aiding the body’s natural homeostatic process, and can therefore be applied to a wide range of concerns (see below). It can also be used to help provide support for many chronic conditions.

Sandi Cooper's Experience

as a naturopath

Sandi completed her Bachelor of Health science in Naturopathy in 2002. She has been in private practice ever since and as such has over 15 years clinical experience. Sandi is highly devoted to continuing to deepen her understanding and knowledge of health and natural approaches to disease. She is regularly researching various conditions to support her patients, attending conferences and seminars, and invests a significant amount of time and money into doing so. At times, she’s found speaking to small groups or running workshops on various topics such as gut health, healthy eating and children’s nutrition.

A major focus of Naturopathy is wellness, and prevention of future disease. Good health is so much more than just the absence of disease. To many, being healthy is not having a diagnosed medical condition, or simply being able to get up and keep going each day regardless of the quality of how they can do this. At Medicinal Healing we truly believe that wellness is so much more than not being sick.


"To me, modern Naturopathy is a beautiful fusion of both art and science. The ongoing research into understanding the body, our herbal medicines and our nutritional remedies in more depth is providing a strong science-base to what we use in practice. Combined with the philosophy of treating the whole person, of addressing diet and lifestyle contributors along with our traditional understanding of health and remedies we have a powerful process for true change."

– Sandi Cooper
Cindy (2)
Cindy Morris

has been working as a naturopath for over 15 years.

She is currently adding to her clinical skills with further study at Griffith University. Her clinical focus is around chronic fatigue, thyroid health and auto-immune conditions.

Cindy has a calming effect on all who meet her, she is naturally warm and nurturing while sharing her experience and knowledge honestly. When clients meet Cindy, they find she is always supportive and never imposing or pushy.

Our Clinic is in Wavell Heights on the Northside of Brisbane


Booking an appointment is easy and we are flexible with how you decide to work with our practitioners to support your health. Once you book your 1st appointment there is never any obligation to continue seeing our practitioners and we encourage you to only continue with us if you feel 100% comfortable with what we are offering. We will offer the experience of what has worked for our many clients but we will never be imposing as understanding health issues is always a partnership between Naturopath and client.

If you are unable to travel to our clinic, we can support you with skype appointments.